Program Program description Price EUR
1092 Steel flanges acc. to DIN EN 1092-1 incl. strength proof (replacement for VFLA ) 410,–
1514N / 159N Flat gaskets. Geometry according to DIN EN 1514-1. Gasket data according to DIN EN 13555.
Extensive manufacturer database.
1591 Requirements for the design of round flange connections, bolts and gaskets
Module package 1591 (s. EN)
10220 Calculation of welded / seamless steel pipes according to DIN 10220 (replaces 2448 / 2458) 310,–
A2 Design of safety valves for pressure vessels 410,–
AKR Stress verification for pressure vessels with knuckles in the external shell 255,–
B1.1 Pipe bends under internal pressure according to AD 2000 / B1 Annex 1 (see also BOG) 255,–
B51A Verification of axial forces according to AD-Merkblatt B5 section (demanded in B5) 255,–
B51C Verification of flat tube sheets with protruding flange edge 255,–
B51F Fatigue strength of fixed hea exchanger tube sheets according to the guidelines Catalogue Strength (RKF) Part 5 and 6 255,–
B5A1 Calculation of plain rectangular pipes and partial chambers according to B5/1 (rectangular cross-sections)
s. also EN 15
BEBEN Proof of stability for pressure vessels according to DIN EN 1998-1 Eurocode 8 or DIN 4149-1 620,–
BEIN Stress verification for vessels on supporting feet 600,–
BIEG Surface moments of inertia of profile steels 190,–
BOG Pipe bends under internal pressure according to TRD 301, Annex 2 255,–
BV29 Calculation of chambers in divided and undivided design 620,–
DICH Calculation of gasket characteristics (see also module 1514N) 130,–
ECKA Sizing of diagonal stays on fire tube heads 410,–
10th edition
Calculation of expansion joints according to EJMA (round, single-ply or multi-ply) 1200,–
Package price
ELKR Elasticity criterion and support span of pipelines according to HP100R (simplified) 190,–
FANY Fatigue strength verification for pressure vessels according to ASME VIII-2, Appendix 5 410,–
FGB Flat domed heads according to John F. Harvey / Schwaigerer 620,–
HLB Stress verification of pressure vessels with welded-on half-pipes 255,–
HOSE Y-shaped branches under internal pressure according to TRD-301 310,–
HPR Elasticity criterion and span widths as well as construction regulations for pipelines made of metallic materials according to AD2000 / Merkblatt HP100R 620,–
IGEL Nozzle verification on pressure vessels, determination of local forces and moments from the NozzleSpecApp and their superposition for vertical and horizontal vessels. see also ESMC 912
(requires AD/ B1+B3+B9 )
Package price IGEL + AD/ B1 + B3 + B9 1.800,–

ESMC 912

BASF works standard: Load transformation at nozzle loads for horizontal tanks on two saddles according to BASF E-S-MC 912 (April 2016) with consideration of the NozzleSpecApp 620,–
Special price IGEL + ESMC 912 990,–
KRVE Forces and deformation conditions of pre-stressed bolted connections. (Metal-to-metal gaskets.) 255,–
KSTA Calculation of stresses, displacements, shear forces and moments of columns with additional support bearings. 1.500,–
LOBO Free resting perforated plates & perforated plates with anchors and supports according to AD/B5 255,–
PDEN Test pressure and material characteristics according to EN 13445-5 / chapter 150,–
PMAX Determination of the permissible test pressure for pressure vessel components (incl. module Nzul) 600,–
Podest Verification of vessels on a single, central cylindrical support element according to WRC 537 and AD 2000 S3.3 770,–
PRAT Geometrical values of the brackets used in AD Merkblatt S3.4 150,–
RING Verification of double jacket connections on containers 620,–
RUER Strength verification of nozzles and block flanges with / without mutual influence in agitator covers and heads 255,–
SEGB Segmental bends with one or more segments according to ANSI 410,–
SFLA Flange geometry according to DIN 28036 (included in module package EFL or 1591) 190,–
SG Gauge glass flange according DIN 28120 520,–
SPAR Design of clamping rings 500,–
SPIE Interface for strength calculation
Graphical processing of tube sheets, determination of the relevant values (number of peripheral tubes and characteristic length)
STUT Determination of additional stresses due to pipe forces on nozzles 255,–
TEB / TEB1 Heat exchanger heads according to TEMA 770,–
TEM Longitudinal stresses in shell and tubes of heat exchangers with stationary tube sheets 410,–
Strength calculation according to TEMA package price TEB / TEB1 / TEM 850,–
TEB 2 Pipe bends and T-pieces according to ASME/ANSI B31.3 with external loads 410,–
TR28 Support rings with/without additional ring carrier according to DIN 280084-1 as an addition to S3.5 255,–
TST Cylindrical shells with vertical branch under internal pressure 410,–
UBC Earthquake loads according to Uniform Building Code 1997 410,–
UHX a-c Design of U-tube sheets, fixed tubesheets and floating tube sheets acc. ASME BPVC UHX 1.200,–
UNRD Out-of-roundness of cylindrical and conical shells according to EN 13445-3, Annex E 150,–
VFLN Welding neck flanges according to DIN 28034 190,–
WARZ Calculation of knuckles of jacketed vessels 410,–
WTOR Calculation of shafts subjected to a torsional moment. 310,–
ZAPF Calculation of trunnions according to DIN 28085 410,–
ZIEH Tightening torques of bolts. ISO and UNC threads 310,–

Withdrawn standards

2413 Pipe bends: Calculation of wall thickness against internal pressure according to DIN 2413 part 2 150,–
2448 Seamless steel tubes according to DIN 2448 (corresponds to DIN EN 10220) 150,–
2458 Welded steel pipes according to DIN 2458 (corresponds to DIN EN 10220) 150,–
2505 Flange connections according to DIN 2505 (partly replaced by 1591) 620,–
250S Bolts according to DIN 2505 310,–
25V Flange connections according to pre-standard DIN 2505 255,–
2505 + 250S + 25V package price 980,–
2605 Pipe bends according to DIN 2605 130,–
18T4 Verification of structural safety of unreinforced circular cylindrical, conical or spherical shells (DIN 18800 Part 4) > replaced by Eurocode 620,–
VERK Stress in the cylindrical vessel without attachments due to wind loads
DIN 4133 has been withdrawn
WND / WIND Wind loads for structures not prone to vibration in accordance with DIN 1055 Part 4 edition 1986 / 2005
DIN 1055 part 4 has been withdrawn > replaced by EN 22 and Eurocode 1.