Various LV modules can be used for the flange / gasket / bolt calculation, varying from a simple rough design to a more complex and precise design. The decision as to which standard is to be applied often depends on the end customer.
We recommend using DIN EN 1591.
The additional application of a simplified method may be useful if not all the required gasket characteristics are available.
Ask for our ‘FLANGE’ combination package
Combination package for flanges
Flange calculations according to the standardsÂ
DIN EN 1591 or DIN EN 13445-3 Annex G / AD 2000 / ASME VIII
The module package includes the modules EN 1591 and AD 2000 B7 + B8 + DIN V2505, ANSI flanges (AFL + AFLT), DIN EN 1092 (1092), DIN 28034 (VFLN), DIN 28036 (SFLA) as well as the gasket modules according to DIN EN 1514 (1514N incl. manufacturer data) and 159N (gasket parameters).
DIN V 2505
The application of the pre-standard is less recommended from our point of view, as this standard has been withdrawn and the upper compression of the gasket surface is not considered.
However, this standard is used by various German Technical Inspection Agencies (TÃœV).
Comprehensive detailed calculation of the complex, with all additional calculations for the gasket (e.g. setting of the gasket, tightening of the screws, pressing in the operational / installation and test condition).
Advantage: Harmonized European Standard
Disadvantage: Requires additional gasket characteristics (e.g. modulus of elasticity)
Similar to DIN V 2505, but this calculation rule is not withdrawn. Limited use with V-flanges
Calculation according to the ASME Code.
Advantage: Leads to a safe design of the flange
Disadvantage: The upper compression of the gasket surface is not considered. Results in high flange thicknesses.
Flange and gasket design according to the Taylor Forge method
Advantage: harmonized European standard, easier to apply than DIN EN 1591.
Disadvantage: Results in high flange thicknesses.
Calculation of valve housings with many options for the calculation of general pressure housings and different flange types.
Advantage: especially suitable for valve housings
Disadvantage: not intended for piping and pressure vessels
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