Academic Edition

Especially for colleges / universities
One license: List price minus 20%.

Or for educational purposes
15 licenses at the price of 1 license (list price)

Calculation software for the VDI Heat Atlas 12th edition

including several physical properties modules

Module package 1: 3100 EUR
Update price 1200 EUR
Special offer 900 EUR

VDI Heat Atlas 12th editon


Module package DIN EN 12516-2
for the calculation of valve housings (consisting of 6 modules and the material database)

Special offer: 1600 EUR
(instead of 1800 EUR)

Module package 12516

Heat exchangers

Module package electric heater
Thermal and hydraulic design of electrically heated forced-flow shell-and-tube heat exchangers

Special price: 4300 EUR
(instead of 4500 EUR)

Extra charge to WTS: 1800 EUR
requires latest WTS version


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