ASME BPVC VIII-1 2023 Validation

Validation of LV software according to ASME BPVC VIII-1 Edition 2023 available online.

Calculation and comparison according   ASME PTB-4-2021:

  • Internal Design Pressure – E4.3.1 to E4.3.5
  • Internal Design Pressure – E4.3.7 to E4.3.8
  • Shells Under External Pressure and Allowable Compressive Stress – E4.4.1 toE4.4.5
  • Shells Under External Pressure and Allowable Compressive Stress – E4.4.7 toE4.4.8
  • Shells Openings in Shells and Heads – E4.5.1 to E4.5.6
  • Flat Heads – E4.6.1 to E4.6.2
  • Spherically Dished Bolted Covers – E4.7.1
  • Flanged Joints – E4.16.1 to E.4.16.2

Version 10.0.92 ASME 2021

Calculation and comparison accordingASME PTB-4-2021:

  • Internal Design Pressure – E4.3.1 to E4.3.5
  • Internal Design Pressure – E4.3.7 to E4.3.8
  • Shells Under External Pressure and Allowable Compressive Stress – E4.4.1 to E4.4.5
  • Shells Under External Pressure and Allowable Compressive Stress – E4.4.7 to E4.4.8
  • Shells Openings in Shells and Heads – E4.5.1 to E4.5.6
  • Flat Heads – E4.6.1 to E4.6.2
  • Spherically Dished Bolted Covers – E4.7.1
  • Flanged Joints – E4.16.1 to E.4.16.2
  • U-Tube sheets E4.18.1,E4.18.2 and E4.18.4
  • Stationary Tube sheet E4.18.5
  • Floating Tube sheet E4.18.

Calculation and cokparison according ASME PTB-4-2013:

  • Internal Design Pressure – E4.3.1 to E4.3.5

  • Internal Design Pressure – E4.3.7 to E4.3.8

  • Shells Under External Pressure and Allowable Compressive Stress – E4.4.1 to E4.4.5

  • Shells Under External Pressure and Allowable Compressive Stress – E4.4.7 to E4.4.8

  • Shells Openings in Shells and Heads – E4.5.1 to E4.5.6

  • Flat Heads – E4.6.1 to E4.6.2

  • Spherically Dished Bolted Covers – E4.7.1

  • Flanged Joints – E4.16.1 to E.4.16.2

Version 8.32.1 ASME 2019

Version 8.29.1

Version 8.26

LV QuickSheet

Save time with the LV Quicksheet.

You want to solve a problem for which you need several LV modules. Then the new LV QuickSheet allows you to manage all module combinations created in a project using an independent input mask.

This allows a complex task to be processed conveniently using a single input mask.

More …

Additive Manufacturing of a Heat Exchanger at the formnext in Frankfurt 2019

Hello, everybody.

As someone who created his first computer programs with punch cards on IBM mainframes, blogging is something new. But now it’s time for me to get started!

On Thursday I was at the “formnext” in Frankfurt, a fair for additive manufacturing. I couldn’t even imagine the possibilities of 3D printing before the visit.

In the latest 12th edition of the VDI Wärmeatlas (Heat ATlas), new calculation methods for heat exchangers with helical baffles have been published. However, these baffles are difficult to produce, which is why the VDI Heat Atlas also offers a “slimmed down” version with stepped spirals, rather guide vanes, for calculation. These calculation methods are included in our Atlas program system.

The advantage of helical baffles is obvious: no flow deflections, no change between transverse and longitudinal flow, no unsupported pipes in the window zone. Consequently, I was dreaming and imagine printing such a heat exchanger, at least the tube bundle. So visiting the fair was a must.

And then it stood there, as an exhibit, my dream of a printed heat exchanger!

Printed in one piece with helical baffles, together with the tube bundle, the tube sheets and the shell. No welding seams, no tube welds and above all no gap currents!

Of course, we will not be printing out power plant condensers in the near future, but in areas up to a shell diameter of DN 150, these high-performance exchangers can already be printed out now. The printing time of 2 days stated by the exhibitor was certainly no longer than the traditional production of such a transformer. Without welder, lathe operator, milling cutter or mounter!

I would also like to point out that both the ASME and the DIN/EN standards committees have been working for some time on the preparation of standards for additive manufacturing in the pressure vessel sector.

Exciting times!

Dietmar Fischer

Latest issue 2019-10-15

After a Windows patch the LV programs do not work anymore on some computers.

There is a workaround at the moment, but it turns off the online help:

In the registry under

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Lauterbach Verfahrenstechnik\LvStart

set a new string value „LvOfflineHelp“ snd specify the value „-1“.

Registry Entry

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