KSTA module
Calculation of stresses, movements, transverse forces and moments of columns with additional guide bearings (KSTA)
Columns can be loaded by wind or earthquakes, internal pressure and dead weight. As a rule, these loads are derived by an additional clamping torque. However, this leads to high stresses or high wall thicknesses at the base and thus causes increased costs.
Especially with slender, high columns, it makes sense to guide the column at further points in order to reduce the clamping torque.
Since the columns are subject to thermal stress, however, the guide cannot be so narrow that thermal expansion is obstructed. The guides must be provided with adequate clearance.
For all column sections, the KSTA module calculates the forces and moments occurring in each case, the stresses dependent on the wind or earthquake load, the movements and the load of the base points and guides.
Output is in tabular and graphical form.
Graphical output
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