GASMIX module
Physical properties of N2 O2 H2 CO CO2 H2O SO2 SO3 – Mixtures of any composition
The program determines the material properties of gas mixtures in any composition as a function of temperature and pressure. The concentrations of the individual components can be specified either in mole or mass percent. In addition to the physical properties density, heat capacity, viscosity and thermal conductivity, the module also calculates the real gas factor and the isentropic coefficient.
You can define the concentrations of the gases as desired. In addition, in the presence of SO3 and H2O, the sulfuric acid dew point is calculated.
As a heat transfer gas, a nitrogen-hydrogen mixture is very effective due to the high heat capacity of hydrogen.
In a mixture with carbon monoxide, a shielding gas suitable for plasma welding is also obtained.
The following components are possible
- N2 – Nitrogen
- O2 – Oxygen
- H2 – Hydrogen
- CO – Carbon monoxide
- CO2 – Carbon dioxide
- H2O – Water
- SO2 – Sulphur dioxide
- SO3 – Sulfur trioxide
When calculating the physical properties, it is assumed that all components are gaseous. A possible partial condensation of water, sulphuric acid or sulphurous acid is not taken into account.
Input mask GASMIX
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